Interview with an Amaretto Breeder


Hi everyone hope you all are having a spectacular Saturday! This week I had the pleasure of interviewing Zues Burali aka Big Daddy ZuZu!  If you see Zues in the groups or just hanging around make sure to say hello!

Please tell the community a little about yourself and what brought you to Second Life?
I’ve been in Second Life for over 11 years. Its not so important what brought me to SL, but rather what kept me here. The people, the experiences….this game…this world can be so amazing, so rewarding.

I met my SL/RL wife Sonoma, here in SL, almost 11 years ago. We consider ourselves to be a rare SL love success story, still going strong, still in love, still happy!

I’ve owned breedables in SL for, gosh, about 7 years now. I’ve been a breedbales auctioneer for almost 7 years as well. I’ve called everything from Amaretto Horses and Ponies, to WK Cats, Meeroos, Mossms, etc. I spend most of my time in SL doing something breedable related, whether it be pairing & breeding, buying, sell, going to auctions or redoing my pens/platforms to be a more efficient breeder. I love meeting other breeders, both vets and newbies. I enjoy making friends and helping when/where I can.

Which Amaretto Breedables do you own?
Mainly just the Ponie Pals currently. I have a few Amaretto horses still, from my days doing those. One in particular that I must mention is named Everest. He has been with me for over 2400 days in SL. He was the very first Hazel/Blue Albino on the grid and sparked what ended up being a very successful run with Amaretto Horses. He now sits comfortably in his special stall my wife has made for him on our home sim.

How did you get started in breedables?
It was a LONG time ago. About 7 years to be more precise…I was hearing about Bunnies…bunnies this and bunnies that…which I had no interest in. Then one day a friend of ours told us of this new breedable that just hit the grid, Amaretto Horses. It was amazing they said and they are having auctions and what not and we must check them out. That night we went to a horse auction at The Ranch of Dreams. We went there just wanting to check it out and to see what all the commotion was about. We left with empty pockets and too many horses to remember. The rest is history.

Do you own other breedables besides Amaretto?
No, not currently. A few years ago, shortly before I left SL for what I thought was going to be forever (obviously Im back now and its like I never left) I had dabbled in WK Cats, Meeroos, Mossms and Gorillas. I never really got anything out of any of those, that I feel I got out of the Horses or the Ponies.

What special projects are you working on right now with your Amaretto Horses?
Well… we work with alot of different breeding projects with our ponies. Some of them being double ears, high traits, etc.

One project we just achieved success in was producing a Long Mane and Long Tail (a.k.a Double Long) Ponie. We did this just a few days ago, on a stud. We were very excited, not only because we had been able to succeed in a breeding project we had been working on for weeks and invested alot of time and money into but also because it was the one thing that my wife, Sonoma, had wanted above everything else when we started the Ponie Pals. She wanted us to have double longs.

What is your favorite Amaretto Breedable?
Currently Ponie Pals, if you had asked me about 3-4 years ago it would have been Amaretto Horses, hands down.

What are some other things that you enjoy doing in Second Life when you’re not taking care of your breedables?

I enjoy going to auctions quite a bit, but spending time with family and friends on here would be one of the things I enjoy the most.

One of my favorite family activities to do on SL is Movie/Show night!. My SL family, my wife Sonoma and I all watch a netflix movie together. We get together at the home sim and sit in our comfy chairs. We all turn on Netflix in RL whether it be on computers or TVs and then sync our start times to  watch the movie/show together. We mic up and laugh or talk about the movie on occasion and it really does feel like family time.

Thank you Big Daddy ZuZu for taking the time to share your story and your love of Amaretto!

Until next time Happy Breeding!!!




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