Strawberry Sundaes!!!!

Hey everyone hope you are having an awesome Saturday!

Did you know that today is NATIONAL STRAWBERRY SUNDAE DAY!!!

On July 7th, it is time to indulge on National Strawberry Sundae Day. Each year on this day, Americans combine vanilla or strawberry ice cream, strawberry sauce, fresh strawberries and whipped cream. Make several strawberry sundaes, and enjoy this delicious treat with friends and family.

So have some fun and set up a strawberry sundae bar and invite your neighbors to make their own. Post on social media using #StrawberrySundaeDay.



Here is my version of an adorable strawberry sundae K-9!!

Berry Splashed Great Dane
Strawberry Nose
Strawberry Shortcake Collar

Until next time this is Snookie saying have a berry good day and Happy Breeding!!


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