Happy Wednesday Everyone!!
I wanted to touch on Amaretto Barnyard Birds Consumables

Barley Bird Diet
Barley Bird Diet is the food that keeps your Barnyard Birds healthy and able to breed when its time. Without a source of food the Barnyard Birds will become sick and will need to either eat their way out of starvation or be healed using a Flu Shot. Stock up on Barley Bird Diet today and keep your birds healthy and breedable.

Orange Rinds
These delicious orange rinds are used to build the vivacity of your Barnyard Bird! These are important as your Barnyard Bird must have 85% or higher vivacity coupled with 100% vigor in order to breed.

High Potency Seeds
These seeds pack a potent punch! High Potency Seeds provide a 10% increase to Vigor. Vigor is important as your Barnyard Bird must have 85% or higher vivacity coupled with 100% vigor in order to breed. This consumable can only be used on a Barnyard Bird once in a 24 hour period.

Poultry Glow
This is the trifecta of consumables! The Poultry Glow provides a 5% increase to Stamina, a 5% increase to Vivacity and a 5% increase to Vigor. This consumable can only be used on a Barnyard Bird once in a 24 hour period

Flu Shot
If your Barnyard Bird runs out of food, or if you leave it in your inventory it will become sick. Once your Barnyard Bird is sick it will take 4 days for it to eat its way out of sickness, or you can purchase a one-time use Flu Shot that will heal one Barnyard Bird instantly

Vivacity Corn
These one-time use Vivacity Corns will increase one of your bird’s vivacity by 15%.

Also if you want to keep your Amaretto Barnyard Bird for a pet there is Pet Food!

Pet Pellets
Pet Pellets will keep your Barnyard Bird healthy not just when they are Seniors but also on those younger birds you simply do Not want to breed.

These Consumables can be found in any of the Amaretto Barnyard Bird Store


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