Webmasters Corner
Hello Everyone! Last week I talked about the Advertisments on the website, this week I amgoing to talk about usernames and profile addresses.
First off I want to describe what the profile address is. The profile address is tocustomize your profile url. For example I put tmzasz as my profile address so my profileaddress looks like this:
Instead of this:
http://amarettobreedables.com/profile/1 So its basically its just a way to make your urllook better and is completely optional.
remember you only need to put in the last word do not put in this also http://amarettobreedables.com/profile/ as it will give you an error!
Now for the important part.. Your username!
When registering for the website please make sure that you use your Second Life usernameas your first and last name as this will help us be able to know who is using the websitefrom our community!
If you have already registered just sign in and go to edit yourprofile and change it there! This helps us and the community stay closer connected to oneanother if we know each other by the names we are accustomed to seeing in Second Life!
We will have lots of exciting things coming up in the near future and for a lot of thesethings we will be utilizing the Social Network and you don’t want to miss out on anythingAmaretto ….do you ?
So if you haven’t registered with the website please go to http://amarettobreedables.comand sign up!
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