Happy Thursday!  Today I am shining the Spotlight on a couple of features in the horses that go unused far too often.  The Brushing and Feeding Animations!  These 2 awesome animations are super easy to use, fun and also they make for great picture taking opportunities.

Using these 2 cool animations is super easy!  Follow my instructions below:


Click your horse, choose the Help button and then pick Get HUD.

Wear your HUD and rez your horse in world.

Click the animations button on the HUD and you will see the Brush and Feed Animations.


Brushing your horse:

1st be sure your horse is rezzed out and you are not wearing it

From the main menu on the HUD select Animations then select Brush

You will get 2 options Large and Regular

Depending on which you choose you will get an object in your inventory named either Regular Horse Brush or Large Horse Brush

Wear or add the Brush and you will get a pop up menu with different grooming options.


Feeding your horse:

1st be sure your horse is rezzed out and you are not wearing it

From the main menu on the HUD select Animations then select Feed

You will be sent an object in your inventory named Green Amaretto Apple

Wear or add the Apple and you will get a menu option to choose your avatar size.



So see now you can have even more fun with your horses simply by playing around with the Horse HUD.

Until next week, Happy Breeding!!



brush feed apple


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