Spotlight on Important Reminders

Happy Thursday!  Today I had the opportunity to spend a little time with a breeder who is “newer” to the Amaretto Community and during our conversation I realized there were a few very important areas of Amaretto that warrant having a Spotlight shined on them.

First I want to remind everyone no matter how long you have been around the Amaretto Community there is a very important link located on the Amaretto wiki that can come in handy when you are unsure of who someone is within the Amaretto Staff.

This link will show you who each one of us are and what are job titles are.   We keep our scripting and design teams busy busy busy but the rest of us are around to help you out. You are free to look for us in the Amaretto groups and say hello or ask us a question any time you like!


Next I want to show you exactly how to get to the Amaretto wiki you will hear everyone talking about.  When you open your Amaretto Social Network also known as the Amaretto Website and log in you will see something that looks like this:




At the top of that page you will see all the different sections you can go to like ARU Website, Blogs, Forum and Help.  If you click the one named Help it will take you to this page:



Here is where you will find all the different wiki’s for the different Amaretto breedables.  So if you click on the Horse Manual it will take you to this page:




Welcome to the Amaretto Wiki!! You will see in the list in the middle where you can find the list of Contacts we talked about at the beginning of this blog.  You will also see List of Horse Traits, this is one you will use often to look up where different traits came from and what they look like.

I want to show you how to easily and quickly find anything you are looking for on the Amaretto wiki!  In the picture above look in the top right hand corner and you will see a Search box.  You can type whatever you’re looking for in that box whether it be a trait or something about the consumables and the wiki will find it for you!

I’ll show you an example.  Lots have been asking about the Dazzle horses since they came out so let’s look on the wiki and find the Dazzle eyes we can use for these horses.  I’ve typed in Dazzle and  this is what the wiki tells me:





Bam! That quick I know all the Dazzle Eyes and I can even go look at the new Dazzle Horses!  Pretty cool!


The wiki is very important for you to maximize the fun you receive from your Amaretto breedables.  The old saying “Knowledge is Power” really applies to Amaretto, since we all want you to have the Power to enjoy your breedables to the fullest!

If you haven’t done it in a while or if you’ve never done it then I challenge you all to explore every aspect of the Amaretto Wiki/Horse Manual and see all the great information you can find there!


Until next time Happy breeding!!






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