Lets Talk Bundles

We wanted to let people know a few things about Amaretto bundles. With the new 2.21 update there have been some changes made to try and prevent Bad Bundles.  One of those changes is that  if there is any interference (with Second Life , the Amaretto Server, lag etc.) when the mare goes to drop her bundle she will go into recovery but the bundle will not automatically drop.  The mare will try to contact the server again and if all the conditions are favorable the bundle will then drop.  Depending on the issues stated this may take some time so just be patient.  As stated in the update notecard horses will no longer birth more then one viable bundle within a 3 day period.

There will be no more twins

Here is a break down of what your Bundles can say, and what it means


Didn’t receive the message from the mother.  The mother will have a second bundle if this occurs, the current bundle is a dud.  Wait a few hours before filing a ticket with these, it might not be necessary.


Typically unseen, this is what happens when the horse receives a message from the mother in its description.”ATTEMPTING_RECONNECTION”


Means that somehow two copies of the same bundle existed in world.  File a ticket and we can fix it.



If for any reason a mother horse already had a bundle in the past 3 days, this prevents it from occuring.  We log these issues server side with the parental information, if you can’t find the mother’s bundle, file a ticket and we can try to find it.


Rare, horse already birthed from bundle


Rare, horse already birthed from bundle


We all know what this means LOL


We have heard many concerns over what will happen with any bundles that are not version 2.0  or later,after March 5th.  To clarify , we will provide support for issues related to bundles (birthing and rezzing), but we will not fix bad bundles, as that is a 1.3 issue, so you do NOT need to birth older bundles before this time, but they will need to be updated after birthing. We hope this clears things up for everyone.

Latest Happenings

We have been getting tickets on horses that can not be clicked on or even taken into  your inventory. Apparently this is another SL issue, please file a ticket and be aware that we will more than likely have to do a house call to fix them. Please state clearly in your ticket if you can not take them into your inventory. I call them Statue Horses LOL


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