We are deploying a fix to the issue that happened with the nests. This is going to be a duck only update as the Chickens were not affected by this problem. Ducks will be version 1.1 with this fix and it is important that you update your ducks to 1.1 as 1.0 can not have nests and will be blocked from breeding with this update. Now you may be wondering what happens to your cycles and vigor well don’t worry your Ducks will still have all their cycles and any duck that’s 7 days or older will have its vigor restored with this update :). Now what happened was during the assembly of the Duck release I overlooked a component script on accident that had the side effect of breaking the breeding protocol, this was not Intentional and I personally apologize for the inconvenience this has caused to each and every one of you. Here are the notes for the 1.1 duck release:

*Birds are not affected so 3.0 birds are still good!
*Ducks are 1.1 now and 1.0 can not breed.
*Bulk Updater you can choose from Ducks or Chickens to update and set settings per normal
*You will need to replace your incubators by hand ( again I apologize for the inconvenience this may cause )
*All ducks age 7 and older will have their cycles reset to 12 and their vigor will be 100 you will not lose the vigor/cycles from this error.

I hope this helps clear up any confusion caused by this error and Again I Apologize for the error.

Tmzasz Luminos


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