Amaretto Auctions for a Cure!

Hey guys its Monday again……. as we all endure our work weeks and the time change I have some exciting news to bring to everyone! If you been living or hiding under a rock maybe you don’t know it but, RFL has kicked off their season. In the past we have donated horses and bundles to other teams auctions with proceeds going to RFL. But this year we have our very own team!!! So we will be kicking off our team relay with an Auction for a Cure. In this auction all proceeds will go to our RFL team total. You never know what you might see at this auction we will have horses and K-9s! Some will be donated by others in your community (if you are interested in donating please contact Avalon Crystal in world) others will be animals that the staff and owners have breed!!

So on March 24th we will have our first Auction for a Cure at the Nest Egg! If you want to bid on these animals you will have to register. To register to bid you will need to send a note card to any CSR with your full SL name titled, I want to bid!!!
Once you are registered you will get a group invite and be assigned a proxy auctioneer. Animals will be set out the day before the auction so everyone can come down and take a look and see if you would like to bid! Auction will be over a live stream so if you can’t make it to the sim you can still listen in!!!

You never know what you will see, remember this is for a great cause so I hope that you all will jump in and register!!!

If you have any questions at all about this Auction for a Cure please contact Avalon Crystal in world.


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