In Memoriam

Just a short connection today, but one close to my heart. Everyone knows there are many many Haven Horses available from Amaretto, in all the colors of the rainbow, but the very first one was the Memorable Haven Horse.
In November of 2010 Amaretto introduced the Horse Haven board, with products available that breeders could get with the points they received from havening horses and bundles, such as Pet Food, Healing Kits and Snacks. The following March of 2011, they gave us the Memorable Haven Horse, a ghostly winged angel of a horse complete with halo, in memory of lost loved ones. For 250,000 points you can get one for yourself, that comes in random gender with random starter eyes. The Memorable Haven Horses are NOT able to pass their coats, but when you breed a Horse Haven Horse (whether it is with another Horse Haven Horse or any other horse) you DO have an increased chance at receiving a random Charmed Horse.

On October 12, 2012 they announced the twist that was added to the Limited Edition Fall Fantasy Horses. If you bred a Limited Edition Fall Fantasy Horse with a Memorable Haven Horse you would have the ability to get a brand new trait, wings! The wing from the Memorable Haven Horse was called Blizzard. Many breeders have gotten these unusual Haven Horses as a tribute to their loved ones over the years


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