Hello everyone! Its a terrific Tuesday! Ive been busy working here at the ranch and today it was busy counting votes!
Voting has closed to vote on the 3rd Designer LE Contest! Now it is time to announce the winner!
We had a great voter turn out so hopefully you voted!
Lets get down to business a big CONGRATS goes to………………….. Luna Barak!!
Here is Luna’s submission:
Number 4!

I really like this design, I am excited to see it come to fruition! This design is def unique and unlike any others that we have!
Watch for this Limited Edition Design in the months to come! Remember its never to late to be working on your design for the next contest! In the mean time if you have an idea that you want to share with Amaretto remember there are multiple ways to share!
Congrats to Luna again! This is Ava over and out! Happy breeding everyone!
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