The Webmasters Corner

Hello everyone its me your friendly neighborhood web master today I would like to go over the events section of the website. Now I know some of you already know about this section and some of you may be like events whaa? Well today I hope to clear up and show you how easy and awesome this little section is!

Now first thing is you have to go over and log into the website now from your home page you will see an events button under your profile pic like so:

Now when you click that link it will open a new window for you ( or tab depending on your browser ) and will take you to the events page as shown below ( dont worry I will explain what everything is in just a moment )

Now on the events page we see there are many things with the events being the highlight of the page. At the top you have your menu bar which allows you to see what events are coming up, what events have past, events you have posted, and finally the create new event button!

Now if you take a closer look at the events you can see at a glance many things: The name of the event, the logo for the event, the date/time that the event will be taking place, how many people on the website will be attending the event, who made the event and a short description about the event.

Pretty neat huh but we are not done yet!

Now click on one of the events and take a look at the events page:

Now on this page it will show you more details about the event like where the event will be taking place, promotional pictures that may be included with the event, any discussions and or comments about the event and the join event button ( unless you made the event you will not see Edit or Delete though! )

Now we are going to move on to that button back on the events page so lets talk about Create New Event!

Ok on this page you will see that when creating an event you just give it a catchy title a short description about the event and then you can tweak the specifics about the event. Like for start time and End time you can specify down to the minute ( we ask that events not be a ongoing thing like weeks at a time ) Then say you are posting an event for the market or whatever that you are working for you can specify who is hosting this event and enter a slurl to the location for the event. Also you can upload a photo ( can upload more after creating it ) to be the logo for the event on the website and even chose a category that it falls under. Lastly you can set it to invite only or public. I hope this has helped everyone understand the events section better and I hope to see more events soon you never know some of us might just drop by!

Also as a side note I spoke with the amaretto gods and asked them to allow me to increase the photo storage space on the website and they agreed so officially the storage space has doubled! which means you can upload even more pictures of those wonderful breedables you have been breeding to show off and get feedback for!

Until next week this is Tmzasz Non passenger of the Nostromo signing off!

P.S. Post more pics of them animals!


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