Lets Pair up!

Hello everyone its a lazy Sunday! Hope you all are having a great weekend and are ready to kick off an awesome week!

I thought I would take some time and talk about breeding and pairing!
Many use pairing when you want 2 special specific breedables to mate!

Let’s go over the basic requirements of pairing your Amaretto Breedable.

Both breedables have to be the same version!
Please make sure your breedables are of breeding age!

Here are the steps on how to pair your breedable:
Click on your breedable you want to pair.
Click on Breeding in the drop down Menu
Click on Form Pairing or Companion.
Then you will type the name of the horse/K-9/Barnyard Bird in local that you wish to pair with.

Then you get a drop down menu asking you to confirm or cancel the pairing you would choose confirm

In local chat it will say

Mike is now paired with Katie
Now your breedables are paired and will breed with each other when the time is right.

Remember once they breed pairing is automatically broken so if you wish the same 2 to breed again be sure to re-pair them.



pairing menu


pairing menu1


This is Ava over and out! Happy Pairing everyone!!!


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