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  • yogi

    ๐ŸŒŠMore Water Traits ๐ŸŒŠ

    We all know one of our best looking Ooak's around the Poseidon Ooak but what do the horse version of the poseidon drop ??
    Well lets take a look at the horse version of the Poseidon Ooak !
    First ofcourse the new coat.

    Aurelian Campolina


    And ofcourse the mesmerising eye.ย God Poseidon


    And the last 2 traits are revealed to!!
    First of all the Wing style fins!
    This is the first time we had a Fins wing on a horse and i don't know what you think but i really love this wing !!
    Just imagine all the projects i could imagine a few summer projects or what do you think of an ice project ?? the wing could be the perfect add as a veil on an ice queen for example !

    Wing Style: Fins
    Wing Color: Poseidon


    And then last but def. not least the Aura Swirling abyss !!
    Imagine this aura swirling around your horses or like the fins on your summer project !!



    Well these traits and for me especially the wing will keep my mind thinking about new projects ๐Ÿ™‚
    Happy breeding and be sure to grab a new wing or aura up for your next breeding project ๐Ÿ™‚



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