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  • Avalon Crystal
    Avalon Crystal

    Hanging with my Amaretto Gnomies!

    Hello Amaretto! Hope everyone is having a great day! I can not believe we are already half way thru March! That's crazy! 

    So if you are a top notch Amaretto Sluth then you seen the facebook cover photo change the other day. If you didn't be sure to follow us on Facebook here:

    Gnomes, contrary to popular belief, are not just garden ornaments. No, these little beings have an ancient and ridiculous history stretching back to the dawn of time—or at least to the dawn of people accidentally stepping on them in the woods.

    Legend has it that gnomes came into existence when a particularly lazy wizard tried to summon an army of powerful earth elementals. Instead, due to a tragic typo in his spellbook, he got thousands of tiny, bearded creatures with an unshakable love for pranks, ale, and digging unnecessary tunnels.

    The reason you see gnome statues in gardens is part of an elaborate espionage operation. Gnomes disguise themselves as statues to gather intel on human activities. 

    Are you ready for some Amaretto Gnomes? I am!! Take a look at these Gnomies:






    Starting today March 18th, 2025 until April 2, 2025 you can pick these up at any Amaretto location! 


    You do not have to breed your Hanging with my Gnomies together to get a surprise! 

    The coats on the Hanging with my Gnomies DO NOT have the ability to pass, however the Whimsical eye DOES!

    We hope you enjoy theses as much as we do!
    So go Hang with Amaretto Gnomies TODAY! 
    This is Ava over and out! 

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