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  • Lívia Laville
    Lívia Laville

    2021 Spring Kirin

    In East Asian cultures, Kirin is regarded as a symbol of good fortune, prosperity, and longevity. It is often portrayed as a gentle and peaceful creature that does not harm any living being and is considered a protector of the innocent.

    In popular culture, Kirin has appeared in various forms, such as in video games, anime, and manga. It is also a popular name for Japanese beer and other alcoholic beverages.



    Amaretto celebrated spring with the release of 2021 Spring Kirin Animals!
    These Kirin Editions animals were available from 3/13/2021 until 3/26/2021!
    Hiding in these Kirins were new eagle wings Metamorphosis, Bloom, Renewal, and Awakening!




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