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  • Lívia Laville
    Lívia Laville

    Be Safe

    I had thought about writing something more exciting, but the events affecting auctions in the last few days made me change my subject to a more practical subject. So, let's talk about griefers and what you can do to protect yourself when attending an auction.

    The most basic advice I can give you is to sit. While sitting, nobody, no prim or weapon, can push you away. Your avatar is safe!
    Now, let's talk about the safety of your properties. Be careful; never leave your horse priced unless sold. The best tip I can give you is to follow these simple steps to set it for sale and avoid mistakes. First move, type the price you want to sell it and press Enter. Only then click the "for sale" box. It's tempting to check it and then set the price, but by doing so, anyone can buy it at the price set before you change it. It sounds stupid, but it's the way SL works, and we must comply with it. 

    And the last trick, if I may, is to avoid crashing. Griefers commonly use high-complexity objects attached to themselves to try to crash viewers and servers. It would help if you used a low graphics definition, favoring performance over quality! If you're a Firestorm user, new functionality is available in the latest viewer called "Improve Graphics Speed." Clicking the speedometer icon, you easily access graphic tuning tools that can save presets and apply them with a single click. That won't void a sim crash, but if that happens, the event will stop, and you're not the only one affected.


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