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  • Lívia Laville
    Lívia Laville

    Black Zodiac Eye of the Month: The Fallen

    Instead of focusing on how many times you failed, try looking at your determination to get back on your feet again. Failures are there to teach you a lesson, so try to learn from them and move on.



    Your past follows you everywhere you go. In your past life, you might have faced good and troubled times. However, you only recall the bad ones, which might be why failures haunt you daily. Even if Taurus tries to do something good, it turns worst for them. All these failures and tough times teach you a lesson to make yourself strong. However, Black Zodiac suits the people falling under the Zodiac Sign of Taurus.


    Taurus is materialistic and possessive, not interested in sharing things will all zodiac signs. These people want to invest in superficial things; it is the main reason they face failures in life despite being one of the most powerful zodiac signs.


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