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  • Lívia Laville
    Lívia Laville

    Black Zodiac Eye of the Month: The Serpent

    The Serpent Cancer Zodiac Sign (Jun 21- Jul 22)


    The serpent is the symbol of wisdom, charm, and deceit. Cancer is both cunning and clever. Sometimes a bit manipulative too. These people are sharp when it comes to gaining the trust of others or coming into the good books of the people. However, it depends on you whether you exploit or value that trust. People may regard you as low, wretched, and maybe even repulsive, but knowing how to use these to your advantage. Trust is a weakness that you can exploit outstandingly. Your virtues are insidious, and your ways are elegant. (sound like my lawyer!)


    Cancerians are seen as very moody people among all astrology zodiac signs. Their imagination revolves around themselves. These people can easily manipulate you for their benefit. You must be very careful while being with Cancer, as a snake might bite you.


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