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  • Angelinn

    Celebrating World Water Day and the Amaretto Water Horses in Second Life

    On March 22nd, we come together to observe World Water Day, an annual occasion recognized by the United Nations to raise awareness about the importance of water and the critical need for sustainable management of this vital resource. This day calls attention to the challenges of water scarcity, particularly affecting billions of people worldwide. From agricultural practices to daily human life, water is essential for survival, and yet, access to clean and safe drinking water remains a distant hope for many communities, including some in Europe.

    As we reflect on the significance of water in our real world, it’s interesting to consider how virtual worlds, like Second Life, also recognize this precious resource in their own way—through imaginative and creative expressions. A perfect example of this comes from Amaretto Breedables, the creators of the popular virtual breedable horses in Second Life, who introduced the Water Horses series, celebrating the beauty and mystery of water while also intertwining it with gameplay and community engagement.


    The Amaretto Water Horses: A Virtual Tribute to Water

    In Second Life, Amaretto Breedables has found a unique way to celebrate the theme of water through their Water Horses. Released on July 1 in 2020 , the Coveted Circlet - Water coat offers an imaginative and fantastical take on the importance of water in a virtual world. These Water Horses embody the element of water, with distinctive Wave Eyes and Coveted Circlet - Water Horns, which are essential traits that breeders aim to add into theeir virtual horses.


    To obtain a Water Horse, players were tasked with breeding two specific qualifiers: one parent with Water Element Eyes and another parent with one of the coveted Craved Stormy Coats. These coats are listed below:

    • Craved Stormy Amaretto Opkai – Beryl
    • Craved Stormy Blue Raspberry Appaloosa
    • Craved Stormy Black Walker
    • Craved Stormy Ivory Dunn
    • Craved Stormy Silver Arabian
    • Craved Stormy Silver Walker

    This breeding formula combined the best of Amaretto's unique mechanics, allowing players to receive a "surprise" offspring that could potentially carry the Water Coat or other unique features related to the elemental theme. 

    What makes these Water Horses so special is not just their aesthetic beauty but their connection to real-world themes. By integrating the concept of water as a magical, elemental force, Amaretto’s breeding system gives players a chance to engage with water in a symbolic way. The Wave Eye and Coveted Circlet - Water Horn traits have the ability to pass down to offspring, connecting the next generation of horses to the water element and continuing the legacy of the Water Horse line.


    Elemental Water Horses and Miniature Elemental Water Horses

    Amaretto’s approach to breeding Elemental Water Horses is an innovative way of blending fantasy with real-world environmental concerns. The elemental traits, including Water, add an extra layer of excitement and strategy to breeding within Second Life. When bred together, Elemental Horses have the potential to pass on their elemental features, increasing the chance for players to create new magical creatures that embody the power of nature.


    In addition, Amaretto introduced a delightful twist with Miniature Elemental Horses. By breeding two Miniature Horses with Elemental Eyes, players can obtain miniature versions of the Elemental Horses, further expanding the creative and playful possibilities within the world of Amaretto Breedables.

    However, it’s important to note that the Elemental Horses themselves do not pass their coats. Yet, breeding Elemental Horses with one another, or pairing them with other horses with Element Eyes, increases the chance of producing more elemental horses, making the breeding process both fun and rewarding.

    A Virtual World, a Global Issue

    In a way, the introduction of the Water Horses in Second Life serves as a reminder of the real-world value of water. While the horses don’t directly solve water scarcity, they symbolize the beauty and power of water in nature, making them a fitting tribute to World Water Day. Amaretto’s breeding systems also invite players to explore the themes of conservation and environmental awareness in an engaging and interactive environment.

    As we celebrate World Water Day, it’s worth considering how both the virtual and physical worlds intertwine. Whether through raising awareness about global water issues or through the playful breeding of magical Water Horses in Second Life, the theme of water connects us all. By recognizing its importance, we can strive to protect it in both our real and virtual worlds, ensuring that future generations—both human and horse—can continue to thrive.

    In conclusion, World Water Day offers a moment to pause, reflect, and take action. But it’s also an opportunity to recognize how creativity and imagination can inspire change. Amaretto Breedables has done just that with their Water Horses, combining fun, fantasy, and a nod to the environment, all while keeping the spirit of water alive in the digital realm of Second Life.



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