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  • Anaconda Carter
    Anaconda Carter

    Colorful Bird? Or Dog?

    Macaws are a group of New World parrots that are long-tailed and often colorful. They are popular in aviculture or as companion parrots, although there are conservation concerns about several species in the wild.
    Macaws are native to Central America and North America (only Mexico), South America, and formerly the Caribbean. Most species are associated with forests, especially rainforests, but others prefer woodland or savannah-like habitats.
    Proportionately larger beaks, long tails, and relatively bare, light-coloured, medial (facial patch) areas distinguish macaws from other parrots. Sometimes the facial patch is smaller in some species and limited to a yellow patch around the eyes and a second patch near the base of the beak in the members of the genus Anodorhynchus. A macaw's facial feather pattern is as unique as a fingerprint.

    The most common Macaw in the pet trade seems to be the Blue and Yellow Macaw, a large bird with colorful plumage, also called the Blue and Gold.

    With the popular release of the 2024 Macaw LEs, we should check into the K9 Macaw coat that came about 9 years ago

    On June 26, 2015 Amaretto held the Summer Fest Auction and for the first time auctioned off the chance for a breeder to create their very own K-9 Coat! Thanks to the creative efforts of Breeder Eve Greymoon, who won the bid on the Create your own K-9 Collar, Create your own K-9 Eye, and Create your own K-9 Coat, and the Amaretto Designers, they brought the Blue and Gold Macaw into SL. As a dog! Eve worked with the designers and combined all three creations to make The Great Macaw dog! It is a very colorful coat and as you can see resembles the bird really closely.


    The coat, eye and collar DO pass on this great breeder creation. So Auuukkk! Polly wants a dog biscuit. Maybe some day we will have macaw birds in chickens or ducks.

    Happy Breeding!


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