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  • Lívia Laville
    Lívia Laville



    In 1980, astronomer Carl Sagan embarked on a 13-episode odyssey through the cosmos, inviting viewers on a "personal voyage" into the vastness of space and time. Armed with his infectious enthusiasm and a poet's touch, Sagan weaved a tapestry of scientific discovery, historical context, and philosophical musings. From the birth of stars to the mysteries of consciousness, he explored the grand narrative of our universe, tracing the journey of matter transforming into life, culminating in the miracle of human existence on a pale blue dot. "Cosmos: A Personal Voyage" wasn't just a science documentary; it was a call to wonder, a celebration of human curiosity, and a reminder of our place within the grand cosmic dance. More than just facts and figures, Sagan offered a perspective, urging viewers to contemplate our origins, embrace the fragility of life, and strive for a future where science and humanism illuminate the path towards a better tomorrow.


    The 2023 Limited Edition Guardians of Creation - Cosmos Guardian gave us two astounding matching traits. The Cosmos branding, and the Cosmos Eyes. Both print a remote constellation over blue purplish cavas that match light or dark color coats. 



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