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  • Anaconda Carter
    Anaconda Carter

    Cute Little Smushy-Faced Dogs!

    Once the mischievous companion of Chinese emperors, and later the mascot of Holland’s royal House of Orange, the small but solid Pug is today adored by his millions of fans around the world. Pugs live to love and to be loved in return. 

    The Pug, often called the Pug Dog, is an ancient breed that can be traced back some 2,000 years. The emperors of ancient China had a preference for flat-faced toy dogs—the Pekingese, Shih Tzu, and Pug were all developed as refined pets of the emperor, his family, and members of the imperial court. Like many breeds favored by Far Eastern potentates of the ancient world, Pugs were a closely held treasure that outsiders could acquire only as a gift.

    The Pug’s career as citizen of the world began sometime in the 1500s, when Dutch traders returned to Europe with specimens of the breed. Legend holds that the Pug became the mascot of Holland’s royal House of Orange when a Pug save the life of the Prince of Orange by barking to warn the prince of an attack on his camp by Spanish troops. When William and Mary of Orange arrived in England to assume the monarchy, their Pugs accompanied them and began a craze for the breed among the British.

    In August of 2011, Amaretto introduced K9s to the breeders.  One of the exciting and adorable breeds you could get from breeding was the Pug! There are Solid Pugs  


    and Morrison Pugs with their cute black masks



    Since then they have used Pugs in various other breedings to make special coats, including Blanco Pugs, Best in Show, Crazed Coat Pug, and even a "420" Pug Special Edition. You can see all these amazing coats on the Amaretto  K-9 Wiki. Have fun breeding these wrinkly faced little cuties.

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