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  • Avalon Crystal
    Avalon Crystal

    Gifting is here!! New Vendors!!

    Hey Amaretto Family as we talked about at the community meeting Amaretto is now offering the ability to gift our products!

    What does this mean? Well this changes the way all Amaretto vendors work, here is a step by step guide on how to buy gifts and purchase items for yourself.

    Buying for yourself:
    1. Touch the vendor


    2. Select Buy - local chat will say "Amaretto Brand Breedable Food Multi-Item Vendor: Pay box to confirm"
    3. Touch the vendor


    4. Pay the vendor the amount you want to purchase - local chat will say  "Amaretto Brand Breedable Food Multi-Item Vendor: Your purchase will be delivered shortly"
    5. Check your inventory - local chat "An object named Amaretto Brand Breedable Food Multi-Item Vendor gave you this object: 'Amaretto Breeder Food & Water/Single Pack (Boxed)"
    6. Enjoy your item! 

    Buying for someone else:
    1. Touch the vendor
    2. Select Gift


    3. Enter uuid and enter - local chat  "Amaretto Brand Breedable Food Multi-Item Vendor: Attempting to find avatar 0308d115-fd8f-4db4-844c-80ffb3dc5de5"


    Amaretto Brand Breedable Food Multi-Item Vendor: Would you like to gift this item to Avalon Crystal
    4. Select yes 
    5. Pay the box the amount you want to purchase- local chat "Pay the box to gift to 0308d115-fd8f-4db4-844c-80ffb3dc5de5"


    6.Item is sent- Local chat "Amaretto Brand Breedable Food Multi-Item Vendor: Your purchase will be delivered shortly"

    Its that easy! Now one more thing I want to talk about is how to get a uuid of an avatar. If you pull up anyones profile, you will see under the name there is  a Key, this is the avatars uuid. Please copy and paste the users key into the pop up box when prompted. 



    If the avatar key is not valid you will be told that XXX-XXXX-XXXXX not found, try the user's avatar key again. You will have to begin the entire process over again. 

    In this example you will see that my uuid is 0308d115-fd8f-4db4-844c-80ffb3dc5de5

    While we are talking about vendors, I have seen people who filed tickets stating they did not accept their purchase or they accidentally declined. Well I will tell you my trick for that is a simple setting! 

    In your settings you can see there is an option to Automatically accept new inventory items, i never accidentally decline anything using this option it just goes right into my inventory! 



    We do hope you enjoy the ability to purchase gifts, so get to gifting! We are currently rolling these vendors out starting the main stores, so please be patient until all vendors are updated!

    Happy breeding everyone this is Ava over and out! 


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