Dear Breeder,
Are you feeling a bit bored.....Maybe you need a little excitement? Something that would boost your happiness? Perhaps your horses do to? Did you know that there are tons of riding trails you can explore on SL? Did you know that riding your horse will boost its happiness? When your horse is happy guess gains fervor! Wait...what! You can use a combo of riding your horse and using your salt lick to help your horse in happiness and fervor. Maybe you are thinking "I have never rode one of my horses. I don't even know how." Well it is pretty simple. Here are some tips for riding your horse that I got off of the WIKI:
- You can ride your horse once it reaches age 7. To ride you horse first turn off movement on the horse you want to ride, then take them into your inventory. Wear your horse from your inventory. In the horses menu you can choose the animation you would like and height adjustment. Your horse will gain happiness while you ride but will also tire faster. Once the energy gets to zero it will detach from you and go back to your inventory. You will need to rez the horse so it can sleep and gain energy back before riding again.
Here are some tips that I found helpful as well: Turn off your AO when riding your horse. I rode a Friesian and found I needed to go into edit to adjust my horse to my avatar. When I went to the various riding trails I just kept my horse attached to me and tp'ed to each location.
So how do you find those riding trails? Simple go into your firestorm search button and type in: horse trails, horse parks, Equestrian centers and you will find lots of free places to go visit and ride your horse. Most of the places I went to were absolutely beautiful. I even went to a Linden Lab one and it was pretty good! Hey and while you are out their enjoying the scenery take some pictures!!!
So happy trails Breeders! I hope you go out and do some exploring this weekend. This is Maggie Mae reporting live on trending news in Amaretto!
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