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  • Lívia Laville
    Lívia Laville


    New month, new eye to the cryptand set. This time we are getting the Jacka lope Cryptid Eye.

    In the vast expanse of American folklore, few creatures capture the imagination quite like the jackalope. This enigmatic cryptid, often depicted as a rabbit with antelope-like horns, has sparked curiosity and speculation for generations. Hailing predominantly from the American West, tales of the jackalope have traversed dusty saloons and campfire circles, each storyteller adding their embellishments to the creature's lore.


    The origins of the jackalope legend are as elusive as the creature itself. Some trace its roots to German immigrants who settled in the Midwest, blending stories of the European mythical being, the Wolpertinger, with the local wildlife. Others suggest that early taxidermy experiments, wherein rabbit skulls with deer antlers affixed to them, may have inadvertently contributed to the myth's genesis. Regardless of its inception, the jackalope has become an enduring symbol of the wild and untamed spirit of the American frontier, captivating the imaginations of believers and skeptics alike.

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