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  • Anaconda Carter
    Anaconda Carter

    Let's Get Mulish

    The mule is a domestic equine hybrid between a donkey and a horse. It is the offspring of a male donkey (a jack) and a female horse (a mare). The horse and the donkey are different species, with different numbers of chromosomes-64 for a horse, 62 for a donkey. A mule has 63 chromosomes, intermediate between the horse and donkey. Mules are usually infertile for this reason. Of the two possible first-generation hybrids between them, the mule is easier to obtain and more common than the hinny, which is the offspring of a male horse (a stallion) and a female donkey (a jenny).

    Mules vary widely in size, and may be of any color. They are more patient, hardier and longer-lived than horses, and are perceived as less obstinate and more intelligent than donkeys. The mule inherits from the donkey the traits of intelligence, sure-footedness, toughness, endurance, disposition, and natural cautiousness. From the horse it inherits speed, conformation, and agility.. Mules are reputed to exhibit a higher cognitive intelligence than their parent species, but robust scientific evidence to back up these claims is lacking.


    In October of 2011, Amaretto popped up with a surprise. By breeding any of the Haven donkeys to any Amaretto horse, you could get a mule! The mules would be one of the three Haven Donkey colors, ash grey, brass or sienna. The coats on these mules do not pass.


    On May 1, 2013 Amaretto released the Limited Edition Cinco de Mayo Donkeys. By breeding these Limited Edition Donkey’s with any other horse (Shetland, Clydesdale, Fell Pony are included) there was an opportunity to receive a Black Mule.
    The Black Mule gets its eye from the parents and does NOT pass its coat.  


    On May 1, 2017 Amaretto released 2017 Cinco De Mayo – El Primer Caballero. By breeding 2017 Cinco De Mayo – El Primer Caballer with any other horse (Shetland, Clydesdale, Fell Pony are included) there was an opportunity to receive a White Mule. The White Mule gets its eye from the parents and does NOT pass its coat.


    On Oct 22 , 2022 Amaretto released the 2022 Halloween Cthulhu Editions! By breeding these 2022 Halloween Cthulhu Editions with any other horse (Shetland, Clydesdale, Fell Pony, Fersian are included) there was an opportunity to receive a Whisper Of Madness Mule.
    The Whisper Of Madness Mule gets its eye from the parents and does NOT pass its coat.


    If you are lucky to have one of the Cinco De Mayo LEs from 2013 or 2017, or the Cthulhu LE from 2022 still in a bundle, you can still birth and breed them to a horse to try for these great Mule coats!

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