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  • Anaconda Carter
    Anaconda Carter

    Love For Maleficent

    Some of our long time breeders may remember staff member Maleficent Farshore. She was a much-loved member of the Amaretto team, and mother of our own Tmzasz Luminos, who passed away in January 2018. When I checked my Amaretto class notes the other day after watching the new graduating class, I realized she taught more of my classes than any other of the teachers. Through the years as a tribute to Mal, Amaretto has released Maleficent traits, and a few breeders have created some. Her favorite colors were black and purple, as you can see from these traits.

    On November 20, 2015 Amaretto wanted to send prayers and warm wishes to our CSR Maleficent Farshore with a Maleficent styled beak! This beak was a random drop from any breeding of the Barnyard Birds and would be available until the 25th of November.


    On October 18th until October 31st Amaretto celebrated Halloween 2017 with 2017 Halloween Edition Arachnia Barnyard Birds! These birds were hiding 3 brand new Legs! Endora, Winnie, and Maleficent!


    Another Maleficent trait was the Maleficent K-9 Nose trait, a black and purple nose.


    On a rare occasion Amaretto has sold create your own items. The Dipped Ear Maleficent is a user created trait created by SnookieAnne Heartsong in honor of Maleficent


    In 2019 Amaretto sold a Create your own Ponie Wing, SnookieAnne Heartsong worked with Amaretto designers to make the Maleficent Demon WIng!


    In 2019 Amaretto sold a Create your own Ponie Horn, Zev Luv worked with Amaretto designers to make the Maleficent Crown Gem!


     One of the items up for auction was Create your own Duck Bill the winner was Zev Luv. After collaborating with Amaretto Artists the Maleficent Bill was released!


    As you can see there are many Maleficent black and purple traits. If you check out the Main Amaretto Store you can even find a memorial bird..Breed: White-Faced Black Spanish
    Eye: Happy New Year 2018
    Beak Color Hope for Maleficent
    Leg Maleficent
    Class Farm
    Batty Bosom: Heart


    and a special Memorial Haven Horse with double haze!
    Coat: Memorable Haven Horse
    Eye: Happy New Year 2018
    Mane: Normal
    Tail: Normal
    Coat Gleam High
    Hair Gleam High
    Coat Haze
    Hair Haze


    Beside these is the monument. All these traits truly show the love the community felt for Maleficent Farshore, and can be passed. Now it's time to lobby for a horse trait too! Hint, Hint.
    Happy Breeding

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