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  • Reese

    Lucky Day!

    Greetings to the Amaretto Community!

    Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

    Did you know that the Amaretto has granted the Luck of the Irish with their Pop Up Sale? It will not be long and the luck will run out!

    For half price you can get the following:

    ForeverFoal_001a.png.01128fc22467a9f2a1b041053313f81a.pngHorses - Forever Foal

    PerpetualPuppy_001b.png.c13fda6302464209bf750b7ce36f8851.pngDogs - Perpetual Puppy

    BelovedBird_001b.png.56b1c98340c315d54ffa7d3fb13c2156.pngBirds (all of the birds) - Beloved Bird
    EverlastingPony_001b.png.7ed278f8857bf21ec2d1140489144f68.pngPony Pals - Everlasting Pony

    Now you know that they are on sale, what do they do?

    These consumables are used to make your breedable into pets. The benefit of a pet is that they will never cost you a single Linden ever again! They are always fed and always happy, no matter where they are, even in your inventory!

    How it works: 
    1. Go to the appropriate breedable store. Touch the vendor and select "Buy." Purchase your Pet making consumable (depending on the breedable.) 
    2. Take it home, open up the box to retrieve your consumable. 
    3. Place the consumable on the ground next to your breedable that is no longer of breeding age.
    4. Click on the breedable and select "Consumables" from the menu.
    5. Select the Breedable Specific Consumable from the list. 
    6. Watch the magic happen! Soon your breedable will be your forever pet and no longer require any maintenance. 
    7. Enjoy your always happy and healthy pet! 

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