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  • Lívia Laville
    Lívia Laville


    Macaws are a group of large, colorful parrots native to the forests and savannas of Central and South America. These vibrant birds are known for their striking plumage, which ranges from bright blues, reds, and yellows to more subdued greens and hybrids of multiple colors. They belong to the family Psittacidae and are characterized by their large beaks, long tails, and strong, zygodactyl feet, which allow them to grasp and manipulate objects with precision. Macaws are highly intelligent and social creatures, often forming strong bonds with their mates and living in flocks in the wild.

    Conservation efforts for macaws are multifaceted and involve habitat preservation, anti-poaching measures, and breeding programs. Organizations like the World Parrot Trust and the Macaw Recovery Network are actively working to protect these birds through various initiatives. These include establishing protected areas, promoting sustainable land-use practices, and conducting educational programs to raise awareness about the plight of macaws. Captive breeding and reintroduction programs have also been implemented for some species, such as the critically endangered Spix's Macaw, which was once declared extinct in the wild but has seen hopeful signs of recovery due to these concerted efforts.


    Macaws LE's are dropping their eagle style wings, their eyes, and two new brandings!!!! Tropical Flowers and Macaw branding 


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