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  • Anaconda Carter
    Anaconda Carter

    May 24th Celebrate!

    Today is May 24th! What can we celebrate today? Some of the things from this list can be celebrated with Amaretto traits.

      National Yucatan Shrimp Day
      National Road Trip Day
      Aviation Maintenance Technician Day
      National Scavenger Hunt Day
      National Cooler Day
      National Escargot Day
    For instance, you might birth an Amaretto K9 with a goldfish collar for National Shrimp Day. Not exactly seafood but close lol.


    For National Road Trip Day, find a nice sim and take a ride on one of your horses. There are lots of nice places with scenery to ride, some of them provided by our own breeders.


    Aviation Maintenance Technician Day can be celebrated by birthing one of the Aviation Appreciation Eye bundles.


    On Scavenger Hunt Day, why not go through a hunt in your own inventory for special traits you need, or try hunting at the markets for that special breedable.

    Escargot is a snail, which is a bug, and I know this might be a stretch, but Ducks have insect eyes

    There are so many traits to choose from, in fact something for everyone.

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