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  • Lívia Laville
    Lívia Laville

    Missing ARU Classes

    I was going to write about a completely different subject today, but a question from Camille Cloud in the Amaretto group made me change my mind, so thanks in advance to Camille for it.

    Camille said she has only a few missing to complete ARU courses and asked how to know when ARU would offer those classes.

    The answer to her question has two steps. First, it's mandatory to discover which classes are missing, and the best way to do this is to check the Class Progression page on ARU's website. https://amarettoranchuniversity.com/progress/index.html

    Once you know the classes you need, it's time to look at the class schedule on the Events page (https://amarettobreedables.com/events/). The calendar shows the day, time, class subject, and who will teach it.


    And don't worry if you don't find the class you need; usually, near graduation, ARU schedules special sessions so everyone needing just a couple of classes has a chance to fulfill all prerequisites.


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