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  • Anaconda Carter
    Anaconda Carter

    Null Traits

    Null Traits, what does that mean? A Null trait is an “Invisible trait”, a placeholder. These placeholders were implemented as a way to allow the breeder to have a maximum trait horse but still look the way they want it to look. At one time it seemed there was a race going on to see who could get the most traits on a horse, but it sometimes ended up creating some.......only-amother-could-love type horses, lol. So Amaretto introduced nulls, that can add to trait counts but not affect the look of the horse or dog. Null  traits came from  the 2013 Halloween Limited Editions and Special Edition!

    At this time there are nulls on horses AND K9s. Here is the list of horse nulls
        Brand Null
        Hair Gloom Null - Holds the place of Hair Gloom
        Coat Gloom Null - Holds the place of Coat Gloom
        Hair Chill Null - Holds the place of Hair Chill
        Coat Chill Null - Holds the place of Coat Chill
        Hair Warmth Null - Holds the place of Hair Warmth
        Coat Warmth Null - Holds the place of Coat Warmth
        Hair Blush Null - Holds the place of Hair Blush
        Coat Blush Null - Holds the place of Coat Blush
        Hair Haze Null - Holds the place of Hair Haze
        Coat Haze Null - Holds the place of Coat Haze
        Hair Hue Null - Holds the place of Hair Hue
        Coat Hue Null - Holds the place of Coat Hue
        Hair Luster Null - Holds the place of Hair Luster
        Coat Luster Null - Holds the place of Coat Luster
        Hair Gleam Null - Holds the place of Hair Gleam
        Coat Gleam Null - Holds the place of Coat Gleam
        Hair Opal Null - Holds the place of Hair Opal
        Coat Opal Null - Holds the place of Coat Opal
        Leg Null – Holds the place of socks and hoofs
        Wing Null – Holds the place of Wings
        Ear Size Null – Holds the place of Lanky or Scanty
        Ear Style Null- Holds the place of Droop, Half Droop Left, and Half Droop Right
        Racing null – Holds the place of racing stamina
        Racing null – Holds the place of racing speed
        Saddle Null– Holds the place of a saddle
        Ear Tip Null– Holds the place of ear tip
        Horn Null– Holds the place of the Horn
    The maximum amount of nulls one horse can have is 18

    Amaretto K9s have
          Ear Size Null – Holds the place of Small or Large Ears
        Size Null – Holds the place of Runt or Pick
        Nose Null – Holds the place of Black Spotted Nose, Pale Nose, Liver Spotted Nose, and Liver Nose
        Tail Null – Holds the place of Long or Short tail
        Polish Null – Holds the place of Paw Polish
        Radiance Null – Holds the place of High or Low Radiance
        Sheen Null – Holds the place of High or Low Sheen
        Tint Null – Holds the place of Periwinkle, Lilac, Mint, Rose, Sunset, and Sunrise

    I would show a picture of nulls, but how do you show a picture of something that is invisible? You can find nulls listed on the wikis under "Other Traits" at the bottom of the page

    Happy Breeding

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