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  • Maggie Mae Zing Magellan
    Maggie Mae Zing Magellan


    Dear Breeders,

    It has come to this reporters attention that a brand new looney leg has dropped on the grid.....oh my!  YES YESS YESSSSSS it is the much wanted, much desired looney leg CHRONIC!

    You might ask....wait a tick tock how can I get me one of these!  Well the answer is to breed two chronic brandings together for the month of April!  This Looney Leg does have the ability to pass....  So Puff Puff Pass this looney leg today!  The best of luck fellow breeders.  This Is Maggie Mae reporting live on trending news in Amaretto.  chroniclooneylegart.thumb.jpg.edbb8f32eaa9a530f1615d368a5c4c03.jpg

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