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  • Maggie Mae Zing Magellan
    Maggie Mae Zing Magellan


    Dear Breeders,

    Qualified breeding took a break last month as Amaretto completed the Jazzy Gem collection.  In November Amaretto started a new collection and for the first time they have included BOTH the Chicken and the Duck!!! Thank you Amaretto!!!! I know there are many of you out there that love your birds!  Today I am going to report on the qualified breeding for the chickens.  If you bred two cuprite legs together for this month you have a chance at getting this: 1589036408_redribbonbattybossomart.thumb.jpg.ae0ad5fc35266b8f31ecb9e8def5cac3.jpg 

    Be still my beating....bossom! Someone looks FABULOUS!  If you are looking for another red trait to put on your chickens here it is!  So let's back track....how can you make this?

    just breed two of these together: 300px-CupriteLeg.jpg.448f16451bc919c8a504ec3d95fa0ffa.jpg 


    This is Peach Buzz reporting on the latest trending news in Amaretto!  

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