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  • Maggie Mae Zing Magellan
    Maggie Mae Zing Magellan

    PEACH BUZZ~SHE'S GOT LEGS......???!!!!

    Dear Breeders,

                                   Let’s talk about Leg Traits!  A leg trait is one trait that you can have on your horse.  However, did you know that there are four different leg traits?  There are socks, Looney legs, Leg Gems and Hoof Paint.  Now stick with me here! Let’s clear up some confusion.  If your horse has a looney leg, can you also have hoof paint on your horse?  The answer is NO.  Here is the reason why.  Only one trait can be applied for the leg trait.  Is that clear as mud?  So, when you are designing your horse, you must decide if your horse is going to have a looney leg, a Sock, a leg gem, or hoof paint.  You can only choose one so choose wisely. 

                                  Today we are going to spotlight hoof paint.  Where did the first hoof paint come from?  In 2012 Amaretto gave us the Limited-Edition Rainbow Dapple horses to celebrate Mother’s Day.  There were four horses we could purchase.  The Horse, Clydesdale, Fell Pony, & Shetland.  Each one had the Mother’s Day 2012 eye that could pass.  The special surprise was Hoof Paint!884554223_Rainbowdapplehorseart.thumb.jpg.d0e4de74cd019a7b66c6636def448a70.jpg1899638647_hoofpaintart.thumb.jpg.7839e73901fec42a547e1c5ffe68e4de.jpg


    There is more Hoof Paint that was provided from the 2014 Holiday horses.  But today we are concentrating on the first hoof paint to arrive to the Amaretto community.  I will be covering more about leg traits in the weeks to come.  I hope you have enjoyed learning this little piece of Amaretto history.  Remember if you want to see more hoof paint all you need to do is drop a note card and respectively ask Miss Josie that you would like more hoof paint and suggest what colors you are looking for.  Drop it in her mailbox at the Main Amaretto store.  This is Peach Buzz reporting the latest trends in Amaretto. 

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