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  • Anaconda Carter
    Anaconda Carter

    Picking Up Too Many Linked Items

    I like to post this article every few months to help new breeders, renters, and anyone else who has had this problem. I know I have lol. This is about coalesced objects and SL limits.

    What exactly are coalesced objects? Coalesced objects are found in your Inventory with the name of the last object selected. When the selected objects are taken into inventory, the coalesced object is located in the Objects folder. When they are returned by someone, like say a landlord, the coalesced object is located in the Lost And Found folder. Single objects in inventory have an icon that looks like a cube, while coalesced groups of objects have an icon that looks like a stack of cubes. Coalesced objects will have the name of one of the items, like the name of a horse or bundle for instance.

    Now you might ask, "What does this have to do with breedables?" As it turns out, in certain circumstances breeders may have to pick up multiple bundles and horses at once, or get them returned to them in bulk by parcel owners. The problem with picking up in bulk is that SL has a limit on how many coalesced PRIMS you can rez out at once. Coalesced objects have prim limits because the time required to rez them can exceed the capacities of Second Life's servers, causing problems when Residents attempt to take complex coalesced objects into inventory. Since the average horse has 14 prims, but some can have several more, I wouldn't recommend picking up more than 12 at a time. This is not a problem that Amaretto can fix. To rez an object that exceeds the prim limit of 255, create a support ticket with LL requesting that the object be broken into a set of smaller objects.

    If you are a Premium member speak to Live Chat and ask for access to "Unpackistan" if you cannot rezz it in a normal sandbox.
    To access Live Chat,  check here  http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LLS_How_to_access_Live_Chat
       If you are a Basic member, submit a ticket for the same thing. You can find SL support here  https://support.secondlife.com/
    open the Help tab on the right side of the page and select Ticket History, enter your login info, then select Submit A Ticket from the next page. The issue type would be Technical Questions, then describe what you need.

    Here's to hoping you never find yourself in this situation, and Happy Breeding.

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