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  • Anaconda Carter
    Anaconda Carter

    Race Training

    Horse racing has a long and distinguished history and has been practised in civilisations across the world since ancient times. Archaeological records indicate that horse racing occurred in Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Babylon, Syria, and Egypt. It also plays an important part of myth and legend.

    In later times, Thoroughbred racing became, and remains, popular with aristocrats and royalty of British society, earning it the title "Sport of Kings".  In our world, there have been several memorable racehorses who were champions. Perhaps the greatest was Man o' War, a chestnut Thoroughbred who in his career won 20 of 21 races and $249,465 in purses.



    another really famous race horse was Secretariat, also known affectionately as Big Red


    Thoroughbreds can come in a variety of colors, even though chestnut is the most common. There have been white, brown, grey, black and even pinto race horses.


    When the version 3.5 Horse update came out on July 6, 2012 racing traits were hidden in new starters. You could have a chance at the racing traits by breeding any horse with a starter horse or by breeding together two starter horses.

    Racing is actually two traits, the 17th and 18th, Stamina and Speed. The reason for this, even though they can't have one without the other, is because they can be changed independently of each other. With training using the HUD, your racing trait horse can have different classes of Stamina and Speed.
    Speed = The Sprinting speed of a horse.
    Speed is ranked using the following Class system:

    S = 3x Avie Run Speed (ARS) {Highest Possible Class} 50 minutes of training time
    A = 2.5x ARS 45 minutes of training time
    B = 2x ARS 40 minutes of training time
    C = 1.5x ARS 35 minutes of training time
    D = ARS {Lowest Possible Class}30 minutes of training time
    Class D is where horses start

    Classes S,A,B,C, and D are trainable and passable

    Stamina = The amount of time a horse can sprint without recharging . Stamina is ranked using the following Class system:

    S = 50s of sprinting and 50 minutes of training time
    A = 45s of sprinting and 45 minutes of training time
    B = 40s of sprinting and 40 minutes of training time
    C = 35s of sprinting and 35 minutes of training time
    D = 30s of sprinting and 30 minutes of training time
    Class D is where horses start

    Classes S,A,B,C, and D are trainable and passable

    XP is gained through training your horse in a given field (speed or stamina) to move from one class to the next you must train from 0% to 100% in the current Class of that field.

    XP Gains as follows:

    Class D gains XP @ .5% per minute of training
    Class C gains XP @ .4% per minute of training
    Class B Gains XP @ .3% per minute of training
    Class A Gains XP @ .1% per minute of training

    To get the horse HUD, go to the main menu and press help tab, then get hud. Attach the HUD, attach your racing trait horse, then connect the horse to the HUD by pressing connect button in the Main Menu of the HUD.

    How to Train
    Enter Training Mode by clicking Training in the Racing Menu
    Select Speed or Stamina from the drop menu
    Move using the arrow keys or w a s d keys
    You are now Training your horse ( XP gain only occurs while you are moving with the horse)
    Click Training in the Racing Menu again to Exit Training ( Training will also end automatically when the horse has reached its daily limit based on its stamina class)
    You can only train your horse ONCE daily for the amount of time allotted by the Horses Class and only in one category (speed or stamina)per day.
    Ex. I trained my Class D horse for 30 minutes on speed today so I will have to wait for 24 hours before I can train it again for stamina.

    How to Race
    Enter Racing Mode by clicking on Racing in the Racing Menu
    Move using the arrow keys or w a s d keys
    Toggle sprint on and off using Page Down/ or C keys (amount of sprinting time/ or stamina reservoir used for sprinting is based upon Stamina Class)
    Jump by Tapping Page Up/E Keys.
    You are now racing (Speed of horse is based upon Speed Class)
    Click Racing in the Racing Menu again to Exit Racing Mode
    you can only connect one horse at a time to the HUD, and can only wear one HUD at a time.

    You can ride your horse on a track or a trail to train, and there are many areas in SL to ride.  I like to use a treadmill I made, using a pose ball. I jump on the pose ball riding my horse and away we go, no need to find a track.

    The great thing about Amaretto racing is, it can come out on ANY breed of horse, palomino, clydesdale, shetland,  etc. so you can breed it into any of your favorite horses.

    One word of warning, if you get a horse to S Speed you will be amazed at how fast it travels. Fasten your seatbelt!  Happy Racing

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