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  • Anaconda Carter
    Anaconda Carter

    Rezzing in Land Group

    When people say that they didn't receive the drop from their Amaretto breedables there can be several reasons. Not having enough prims is one, sometimes a rollback by SL. One common reason can be that the animal is not rezzed in the right group. When they try to drop the bundle/kennel/nest/basket it cannot rez on the ground because the mother isn't in the right group. People may have several lands they own that have a different group and you forget to change it when rezzing items.  Luckily there is a setting to fix that if you are on Firestorm Viewer so that you will always rez in the land group when possible.

    If you go to Avatar> Preferences and type always rez in the search line at the top or go to Firestorm Extras you will find a line that says "Always rez objects under the land group if possible".


    If you check that box then you can rez your breedables under different land groups anywhere it is allowed without having to change your group tag. There are places like auction houses and markets where this won't work but for people with multiple lands it is very helpful.

    Happy Breeding

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