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  • Anaconda Carter
    Anaconda Carter

    Scary LEs BOO!

    Who likes scary movies? I'm sure not everyone does but you have to admit they give us some good ideas for Halloween LEs. In 2016 Amaretto borrowed from TWO such scary movies, the Saw series, and the Chucky series. I won't include too many details from the movies, but a creepy faced puppet riding a tricycle is scary. And then there is the child's "friend to the end", Chucky! Who just happens to have evil intentions. Mwahahahahaha!!!


    These movies made a great inspiration for the 2016 Halloween LEs

    The 2016 Halloween LEs were available starting October 21, 2016 to November 4, 2016. The coats on the 2016 Halloween Edition Whinny the Puppet and 2016 Halloween Edition Wanna Play? DO NOT pass.




    The Puppet eye and Your Friend till the End eye DO have the ability to pass. I put some puppet eyes on silver spotted shetlands which I think looked really cool.



    These scary Limited Editions also held surprises, Horn Candy Corn, Horn Witchy, Horn Spooky, and Horn Purple People Eater.


    It was a memorable Halloween for some lucky breeders. Hope you were one of them!  
    Happy Breeding!

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