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  • Anaconda Carter
    Anaconda Carter

    Searching the Wiki

    Where can you go to find a trait you've never heard of? The library? Google? Your closet? Nooooooo. The Amaretto Wiki pages! That's right, Amaretto wiki has almost everything on it you are looking for, complete with pictures. 

    Each page has a list of certain traits you can scroll through, with the latest entries at the bottom. Click on the trait, and it opens another page  If you don't want to scroll, you can use the search function, which is in the upper right hand corner of each page.

     Type in the trait you are looking for, such as Beauty Branding, and up comes a page with links to click to see where that brand is in the Wiki. 


    Scrolling through the Amaretto Wiki pages can give you ideas on what to look for if you're doing a project, traits you might have but aren't sure where they came from, or pictures to show you what is possible that you can drool over. It's like spending a day at the library going through books  crammed with information, but right at your fingertips. Remember, the Wiki is your FRIEND.  Happy Breeding

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