New month new Mystery Sale! For the entire month of September, for the horses, it is The Extenze Pill! Pick it up at the main store for a discount of 50%!!!!
For K-9s on sale this month is Amaretto Brand K-9 Zing (K-9 Cola) for 50% off, remember this is only at the main store locations!
For Birds the entire month March pick up some Vivacity Corn for 50% off!
Ponies aren't left out, this month you can grab and boost your ponies energy with Amaretto Ponie Pal Energize Me!
Main store locations: and Ponie Pals/242/32/21 and Birds/103/38/25 and Birds/115/58/25 and Ponie Pals/231/93/21
All items are discounted 50%! Remember these are only at the main store and do not go bad in your inventory so stock up while you can!
Happy breeding!
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