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  • Pea Puddles
    Pea Puddles

    Spillin The Tea w/Pea-Special Coat Makers Galaxy and Eyes 5

    The Galaxy Coat and how to make one is the topic for today.  

    Galaxy Horses

    Galaxy Cosmic

    Galaxy Earth

    Galaxy Jupiter

    Galaxy Mars

    Galaxy Mystic

    Galaxy Pluto

    Galaxy Saturn

    Galaxy Uranus

    Galaxy Mercury

    Galaxy Neptune

    Galaxy Sun

    Galaxy Venus

    Amaretto celebrated our 2nd Birthday on September 1,2012 and to honor this occasion the Galaxy horses were revealed!

    The Galaxy Horses can be randomly birthed by breeding together any two horses that have Galaxy Eyes.

    Amaretto celebrated our 8th Birthday on September 1,2018 and to honor this occasion 5 Galaxy horses were revealed Uranus, Mercury, Neptune, Sun, and Venus!

    Galaxy Horses can NOT pass their coat.

    Breeding a Galaxy Horse with another Galaxy Horse or with any other horse with Galaxy Eyes you will slightly increase your chance for another Galaxy Horse.




    Cosmic Galaxy

    Jupiter Galaxy

    Mars Galaxy

    Mystic Galaxy

    Pluto Galaxy

    Saturn Galaxy

    Earth Galaxy

    Uranus Galaxy

    Neptune Galaxy

    Mercury Galaxy

    Sun Galaxy

    Venus Galaxy

    The Galaxy Eyes are one set of many exciting possible Non-Starter eyes that can come from breeding “Starter Coats”.

    On October 7,2016 Amaretto release horse update version 5.5 and released new starters with hidden galaxy eyes Uranus Galaxy, Neptune Galaxy and Venus Galaxy.

    You can have a chance at one of these exciting Non-Starter Galaxy Eyes by breeding any horse with a starter horse or by breeding together two starter horses.

    These eyes CAN be passed on










    Space Science Tech GIF by European Space Agency - ESA


    Be Kind and Be Respectful!!












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