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  • Lívia Laville
    Lívia Laville

    The Bellic Castle Museum

    Meet Von Frederick Bellic 9VonFrederick Bellic) and his amazing horses' collection. 

    When did you start the Museum?
    In April 2023, I decided to get a Full SIM again and start a museum; I set up one of my Castles, ripped out walls, and started buying every LE and Special horse I could get my hands on.


    How many horses are in your collection?
    I now have over 250 horses in the Museum. I have 34 Completed Sets and am working on completing more. I have Charmed, Limited Editions, a few Glitches, and a few Custom Designs.


    What is your favorite horse or set?
    Out of all my collections, I always loved the Charmed Nightmare Clydesdale; if I had to choose and only have only one horse, I would choose the 2014 Holiday Wooden Rocking Horse.


    Do you remember which was your first amaretto horse?
    I joined Second Life Nov 2008; I spent my first three years in Second Life concentrating on being a Vampire and having a family life. I heard about Amaretto starting to make horses, but I was more into being a Vampire at that time. A year after Amaretto's release, a friend gave me five horses, and let me know how to get food, etc. Only three weeks into breeding those horses, I got my first Charmed Demon Horse, and I got hooked; it turned into me having about 500 horses for a while.

    Visit Von Frederik Bellic Museum: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/The Bellic Castle/81/143/56


    You too have an amaretto museum, and would like to show off your collection? contact me inworld.

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