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  • Lívia Laville
    Lívia Laville

    To Retire or to Pet, that's the question

    Your favorite horse has aged and, after 120 days, has produced excellent offspring through breeding. Now, you have two options to consider.

    Your first option is to retire the horse and keep it "alive" by feeding it pet food. In this case, you can use an Extenze Pill to add seven breeding days to any retired horse for a single turn. It only can be used once per horse.


    The other one is to use a Forever Foal, ensuring that your horse never needs food again and will never get sick. Once a retired horse turns into a forever foal, this action cannot be reverted anymore! It is an optional consumable that costs L$2500. Another relevant piece of information about the Forever Foal:

    • The Forever Foal Certificate must be redeemed by the person who purchases it, as it is no transfer.


    Each option has its costs and consequences, and there's no right or wrong choice, just the one that best suits your interests.

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