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  • Lívia Laville
    Lívia Laville

    User Created Coats

    On Jun.27, 2015, Amaretto hosted a summer fest. One of the items up for auction was Create your Horse Coat; the winner was Duckkula Resident. You can read more about what we auctioned off the day and who won here: http://amarettobreedables.com/connection/?p=9623.


    On July 1, 2016, Amaretto hosted the Amaretto Jamboree. One of the items up for auction was Create your Horse Coat; the winner was Duckkula Resident. You can read more about it here: http://amarettobreedables.com/connection/?p=11501.


    On a rare occasion, Amaretto has sold create your items. Two of the items auctioneered items were Create your Horse Coat; Guess who the winner was? Duckkula Resident again.



    What do all those horse coats have in common, other than being created by Dukkula? They all were a tremendous success among the breeders and were used to build many different projects combined with other traits.

    Who knows when chance to create your own coat will be available again? Or even to create other traits? Amaretto birthday party is coming soon and like Ava like to say all the time "You never know"!!!

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