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  • yogi

    Welcome to the dark side of the sun

    While every one is in the summer mood and are just thinking about sun swimming and getting tan lines, let me take you to a darker side and out of the sun . *join me on the dark side*

    When the version 3.2 Horse update came out on January 30, 2012 the ability to receive this exciting new Charmed Inferno Demon was also added!
    When the version 3.2 Horse update came out on January 30, 2012 the ability to receive this exciting new Charmed Arctic Demon was also added!

    Charmed Horses are very special horses that can be born at random from ANY horse breeding combination.

    Charmed Horses are NOT able to pass their coats or eyes. However, you could get extremely lucky and birth another Charmed Horse.

    When you breed a Charmed Horse (whether it is with another Charmed Horse or any other horse) you DO have an increased chance at receiving another random Charmed Horse.

    The non-Charmed offspring of Charmed Horses do NOT have an increased chance of producing Charmed Horses.

    In order to make room for new things we sometimes have to put things “Out to Pasture”. When Amaretto puts things Out to Pasture it means that they will no longer be available in the starter, breeder, or ranchers packs sold at the stores.

    Since Charmed Horses are completely random, when one of them is put Out to Pasture, it means there will no longer be another one of those born onto the grid.

    Sadly all these demons are  “Out to Pasture”




    On March 24, 2012 Amaretto held an Auction For a Cure, auctioning Amaretto Horses & K-9s donated by the Amaretto Community and staff. With Avalon Crystal as Auctioneer Amaretto’s Auction For a Cure raised nearly 2 million Linden with 100% going directly to the Relay for Life kiosk.

    This one of a kind RFL Demon For a Cure horse was a Male with long mane, long tail and came with particle effects.

    The coat on the RFL Auction For a Cure Horse can NOT pass.

    However, the Poison Eye DOES have the ability to pass.

    A big thank you to all those involved with Relay for Life!

    But but but but there are some demons around still  😈evil grins😈

    On Jun.27,2015 Amaretto hosted a summer fest, One of the items up for auction was Create your own Horse Coat the winner was Duckkula Resident.
    After collaborating with Amaretto Artists this is the design that was released!
    Demon Black Walker Coat DOES have the ability to pass!

    But what if you think they are to dark for your taste ? Well Amaretto got you covered .

    On June 27th, at the Amaretto Community meeting Amaretto gave the community a riddle: How Extraordinary would it be if you breed together 2 albinos?

    From this riddle it was announced anytime you breed ANY two albinos together you have a chance to get a Extraordinary Horse!

    A few weeks later the first Extraordinary Demon was born!

    The Extraordinary Demon DOES NOT have the ability to pass its coat!

    The Extraordinary Demon Eye DOES have the ability to pass!


    And even when you wanna give your projects a demon twist that has Amaretto covered to .

    On Apr.18,2022 Amaretto released 7.0 hiding in this update was the Demon Horn!

    You can have a chance at one of these exciting new horns by breeding any horse with a starter horse or by breeding together two starter horses.

    The Demon Horn trait DOES have the ability to pass!


    Or a Demon Rage Branding

    And these wild hairs have been found.
    Charmed Arctic Demon
    Charmed Inferno Demon
    Demon Black Walker

    So even in the summer the demons might walk those sunny beaches and try to trow some shade on your projects 😈 evil grin 😈




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