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  • Anaconda Carter
    Anaconda Carter

    What is Range?

    Home on the Range

    Lets talk a little about range. What is it? Range is the distance your Amaretto Breedable can reach for food and breeding. The default setting they're born with is 5 meters, but using the menu, you can change that to a higher number if you need to. It is not recommended that you set range any higher than 50 meters.

     To change the range using the menu, hit settings>set range and you will see a notice in local chat like this "MOC/EG/F: Say the range value you want in local chat." Remember to be in chat range or shout just the number if farther away and you will see a notice like this " MOC/EG/F: Scan range set to 10 from home." Or whatever number you choose.  You can select the range you want, but remember your horse will need to be in range of food/salt in order to prevent it from getting sick and its mating partner in range in order to breed. Think of the range as a circle, and whatever can get inside that circle or touch it's edges can affect your horse, so you have to consider the range of the other horses too.

    So if you set the food inside, the horse can reach it whether it is on movement or not. Also even if your horse is on a certain range like 5 meters, another horse set too closely on a higher range can reach inside that circle and possibly breed with your horse. These two pictures show two horses on movement with a 5 meter range, and 5 meter box in between them to make sure the range doesnt intersect.


    Second picture shows the one horse on 15 meter range where it can get inside the 5 meters of the other horse and possibly breed with it.


    One solution if you don't have enough ground space is to raise them up, as in make breeding platforms going vertical at levels outside the range of your horses. It may not be pretty but it works.

    The same goes for all the Amaretto Breedables when it comes to range. Remember the range is set by menu, so wherever you first rez or set home on your Amarettos is where the circle of range is. I hope this has helped you figure out your settings for food and breeding, Happy Breeding

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