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  • Anaconda Carter
    Anaconda Carter

    What's In A Name?

    When you name your Amaretto Breedables it is fun to think of names, sometimes informative, sometimes funny. Informative names can include the coat, eye, mane and tail description, and any special traits you want to make note of. Sometimes people keep track of full siblings by including the parents names in the bundle. Another way to to do that is by naming only the male in a breeding pod, then picking up the females and male as a bunch, with the male being last. Numbers can also help, or your own initials.
    For fun, names can be using names from a certain movie or product. I knew one breeder who named all of her clydesdales after beers lol. Lots of people use Harry Potter names or sports figures, even funny puns.

    You can also use the custom name feature in the menu for additional information, like who a horse is paired with, or perhaps who you borrowed one from
    Remember that there are set limits on how many letters, numbers or symbols you can use, particular to the breedables.
    The limits on characters when naming are
      36 for horses
      30 for K9s
      36 for ponie pals
      36 for barnyard birds
       Some symbols not allowed when naming are ( ) and *. Ponie Pals also do not allow the slash symbols.

      Remember when naming to try using a system that is easy for you to remember. It will be a great help when searching your hoard...er...inventory for items you need for a special project, and it can help if you need to file a ticket and don't have the UUID. Plus-and don't tell Avalon you did it on purpose-it can be fun listening to auctioneers pronounce your breedables' names at auctions. Have fun and Happy Breeding!

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