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Next Love MORE! Auction, Sunday 2-2-2024 4PM SL!
The next auction will benefit Humane Society International!
ALL proceeds WILL be donated.We already have over half the panels filled, if you are interested in donating something, please send an IM!
Starting at 3PM SL, we have secondlife:///app/agent/7ad9bbdf-2e18-4523-9a24-e48a2e09f651/about to perform LIVE! This should be a GRAND show. She has a song list that is unbelievable. at Waterview/126/215/22
Newly Released: K9 Coat Aurelian Great Dane M & F K9s. Two locations Ancient Isle/146/149/23 Hills/137/150/22
This coat dropped from the One of a Kind (OOAK) Goddess Demeter K9. This is the first sale of this coat.
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Hello Peeps,
I am asked this question at least once a week, so I am putting my answer down here in case it can help someone.
XXXX (xxxxxxxx): question... by any chance is there a place where i can check what a horse is worth?
Aaron Kismyaz (aaronx): hmm. that is a hard one. petrades can give you an idea but sometimes they are way off. Your best bet is going around sims and looking at horses, traits, age, and stuff because all adds up
XXXX (xxxxxxxx): okies so not like a wiki of what is good now and what is bad lol
Aaron Kismyaz (aaronx): no. Taste is subjective. What would be yellow if everyone liked blue?
XXXXXXX (xxxxxxxxx): true lol. i hate asking people lol i want to learn though lol
Aaron Kismyaz (aaronx): you will get the feeling. Also, if it is something you breed.. a project, or something.. I don't sell my projects for less than XXX honestly cus i know how much time, effort, and lindens, it took for me to breed them.. you will find where you are comfortable
You also have to go where buyers go too not only sellers, and a good rule of thumb is to keep the market moving, buy, and sell. I am more inclined to buy from buyers than from sellers only (in most cases). If you jump on an auction, try to sell a panel, and then take off, I will never buy from you. Breeders notice things during auctions. We know who buys from us and who doesn't. If we want a stronger market, we have to start there.
Last, I will add this (from @Eve Greymoon profile)
"Breeders, consider this when pricing a horse, K-9, bundle, kennel, or dragon:
If you buy horse food in 25 packs the cost per horse is XXX L$ per day, or XXX L$ per horse during its lifetime. This cost doesn't include salt. If you buy horse food in smaller packs, the cost is higher.
And remember, it takes TWO horses to make a new horse. So double that.
A newborn bundle has already cost you XX L$ just for food. Add XX L$ for salt. That doesn't include sim costs or your time or the price of the animal. Once you birth it, the costs begin to rise again
I don't want to get rich. I want to cover my costs. It's difficult to do if too many breeders price below their costs. Think about it. "I hope it helps
Well said, Aaron! I'll just drop this here as well.